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Are you looking for a custom engraved mil-spec UID tag? You have came to the right place! Don't wait on the other companies who have to meet a quota before they will engrave your tag, we can engrave any quantity! We have the fastest turn-around out there! No ASCII characters please!
SOF/CAG Upper Tags (includes square matrix tag and longer tag)
NOTE: Square tag needs to be bent to the circumference of the upper prior to adhesion.
Instead of sending your upper off to have it engraved, we have created these tags.
LIMIT 8 CHARACTERS! We suggest using the last 8 digits of your serial number if it is more than 8 characters. If you input more than 8 characters, we will cancel and refund your order.
All shipping is only $1! In order to keep shipping costs low, we cannot provide tracking information. Please do not email us and ask for tracking info unless you have placed a bulk order. Tracking is only available domestically for bulk orders.
For custom orders different from any of the above template sizes, please email us. We can only provide custom sizes for orders of 10 or more tags.
For bulk orders (10 or more), please email us for a discount!